E nga iwi, e nga karangatanga huri noa i te motu, tenei te mihi atu ki a koutou katoa. He piiraa tenei ki a koe. Haere mai ki te tono mo tetahi tuunga i te Kaunihera o te Taone o Ōtautahi.
Working at the Christchurch City Council gives you an opportunity to collectively enrich this city we call home. Work with like-minded individuals who every day ensure the safety of people living and working in our city's buildings. You may already be an expert in the world of building consents or worked at a Building Consent Authority, either way, we have an opportunity for you.
About the role | Ko te mahi nei
Working as part of our Building Consents Unit, you will provide customer service excellence as you facilitate high quality consent outcomes. You will be providing effective and timely technical expertise and guidance in support of their building consent applications. You will be exposed to a variety of areas, tasks, and industries across the Building Act, such as building, plumbing, drainag ...