E nga iwi, e nga karangatanga huri noa i te motu, tenei te mihi atu ki a koutou katoa. He piiraa tenei ki a koe. Haere mai ki te tono mo tetahi tuunga i te Kaunihera o te Taone o Ōtautahi.
About the team | Ko te rōpū nei
Sitting in the Technical Services and Design (TSD) Unit, we are the Transport team who provide Civil Engineering services to enable the delivery of the Christchurch City Council's capital programme. We often collaborate closely with other teams in TSD such as Landscape & Planning, Survey and Contract Management, servicing wider units in Council.
We are committed to continuous improvement and ensure that our design services are efficient, sustainable, aligned with technological advancements and providing solutions that address the effects of climate change.
About the role | Ko te mahi nei
Our Senior Design Engineers design roading projects within the Capital programme, and also act as a senior professional advisor for all issues related to roading design. Their ext ...