Remote Area Flexible Agreement – 6 weeks in community, 6 weeks approved time away - Temporary Full Time nursing position available for a 12 month temporary contract .
GIVE US A CALL - The hiring manager Sharyn Everett, Show phone number or for Queensland Health staff, TEAMS Sharyn. We would love to hear from you and discuss the role and the Torres and Cape Remote Area Flexible Agreement with you.
Tell me more... We are introducing the Remote Area Flexible Agreement to trial sites within Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service.
We are looking for Queensland based nurses who are looking for a worklife balance option to work remotely in Community on a remote area flexible agreement. We are currently trialling 6 weeks in community and 6 weeks approved time away (at home).
70% of Torres and Cape HHS patients identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. We strongly encourage Queensland based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses to apply for this flexible arrangement a ...