## About us
P2P.org launched in 2018 with a mission to positively influence the development of PoS technologies. Since our launch we have grown to manage $7+ billion in staked assets across more than 130 institutional clients and 38+ unique blockchain networks and now P2P.org is a global Top-3 Non-Custodial staking provider.
P2P.org has successfully raised $23M in a Series A Funding Round. This funding will support services for direct holders and also launch a new infrastructure platform for intermediaries, such as those offering custody, wallets, and exchanges.
What we do:
✅ Provide staking infrastructure and services for banks, custodians, exchanges, wallets and institutional investors.
✅ We provide blockchain foundation teams with infrastructure and services for faster product development.
✅ We provide investors with a single entry point to all blockchains.
✅ We provide developers with access to blockchain data.
P2P.org is comprised of talented, inspiring individuals spread arou ...