Company Description
Filo is an emerging youth-oriented e-learning startup that operates the world's only live instant tutoring app. Students are connected with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1 interactive video sessions. With over 1.5 million students across 15+ countries using Filo, it boasts the largest community of tutors with 50,000+ members.
Role Description
This is a part-time remote role for a Teacher for Online at Filo. The role involves tasks such as lesson planning, education delivery, effective communication with students, teaching, and providing training sessions via the online platform.
• Lesson Planning and Teaching skills
• Effective Communication and Education abilities
• Experience in providing Training sessions
• Ability to engage students in an online learning environment
• Patience and adaptability in teaching methods
• Bachelor's degree in Education or related field
• Experience in online tutoring is a plus
Job Type: P ...