Note from the founder:
Hey! Thanks for being interested in Bebop. This is currently an unpaid position with the goal to be a paid position in the next few months. This job being directly connected to commerce it will come with commisions. Our goal is to be funded this coming year but I just want to be as transparent as possible!
The reality is most job descriptions are over-inflated and say a million skills you have to have BUT also jobs under-value that learning a new skill or developing a passion for something new is very badass. I've worked every job under the sun at Bebop and we really do make impact with so many people. So I put this on every post as I build a team of people dedicated to doing cool things and pushing the work but also themselves. Cancer is not a one-dimensional disease, we are not going to a one-dimensional movement. If you feel like you want to work with us but standard job descriptions got you down, just reach out and let's talk it through. So again, while bel ...